Exchange Fund Calculator
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Compare how an Exchange Fund can help diversify your stocks tax-efficiently.
Exchange Fund | Sell and Reinvest | ||
Value of your N/A stock | $330,000 | $330,000 | |
No tax triggered - $0 | No tax triggered - $0 | ||
If you diversify today Your diversified portfolio value today | +0.0% $330,000 | $330,000 | |
+ $0 | + $0 | ||
No tax triggered - $0 | N/A | ||
End of Exchange Fund holding period Your diversified portfolio value in 7 years | +0.0% $330,000 | $330,000 | |
+ $0 | + $0 | ||
- $0 | - $0 | ||
At liquidation After-tax value in 0 years | +0.0% $330,000 | $330,000 | |
Bottom line Hypothetical difference after investment period | $0 |
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Investment returns are not tax-free or exempt from tax liability; gains are postponed or deferred until a sale or other qualifying event recognizes any taxable gain. Investing in an exchange fund includes the risk of loss, including the loss of the entire principal and any rates of return that are illustrated are not guaranteed. The possible effects of investment losses may impact the relative advantage of the taxable vs tax-deferred investments Ordinary income tax rates on capital gains and dividends would affect the taxable investments return investors should consider their anticipated time horizon and income tax bracket when making an investment decision as the illustration may not reflect these factors and the assumed rate of return is not guaranteed; investment losses can reduce the relative advantage of the taxable versus the tax-deferred investments including potentially substantially which would mitigate the advantages of tax deferral; This illustration applies only to investors who reside in that state. Additional state taxes may negatively impact your performance if you reside in another state. The growth rate of 0% is hypothetical, gross of fees, and used to illustrate the benefits of potential tax deferral. Underlying fund expenses in either the exchange fund or other investment vehicles will reduce the overall returns on the investments. Products offered by Cache Financials, Inc. (Cache) are distributed by Cache Securities LLC, an SEC-Registered Broker-Dealer and Member of FINRA and SIPC. Cache Advisors LLC is the advisor to the Cache Exchange Fund and is an Investment Advisor registered with the SEC. Registration does not imply a certain level of skill or training. Investments are available only to residents of the United States in jurisdictions where Cache is registered. The purpose of this material is to inform, and it should not be considered an offer, solicitation of an offer, or advice to buy or sell securities or investment products. All investments involve risk. Cache does not make investment recommendations; investors are responsible for their investment decisions. Before making an investment decision, each investor should carefully consider the risks associated with the investment and decide, based on their particular circumstances, that the investment is within their investment objectives and risk tolerance.
The Cache Exchange Funds are alternative investments. Regulations require certain eligibility criteria for participation and are open to either accredited investors or qualified purchasers who have eligibility criteria as specified in the offering documents. Exchange funds are intended for eligible, long-term investors willing to forego liquidity and put capital at risk for substantial periods. Regulations require a minimum holding period to realize the potential advantages. They may also have higher fees than traditional investments.